How to avoid COVID-19 in Real Estate

Mar 13, 2020 8:58:11 PM / by Brett O'Daniell

Like you, we have spent the last several days and weeks learning about the coronavirus (COVID-19) and how it is impacting our world.  We are closely following the Centers for Disease Control's (CDC) guidelines and recommendations on the steps we can take to help prevent the spread of the virus. Here are some highlights per CDC guidance:
  • Use online booking and scheduling to stagger customer flow
  • Use online transactions where possible
  • Consider limiting attendance at larger gatherings


  • Stop handshaking 
  • Clean hands at the door
  • Avoid contact with doorknobs, tables, desks, and handrails 


Prepare safely online so you can act quickly when you are ready to physically tour a home. Consider these steps in your home search.


Real-estate agent presenting modern houseSCHEDULE A PRIVATE HOME TOUR
When you find a home online that you are interested in, schedule a private home tour.  At the home, avoid contact with people & objects as much as possible.


Visitors touring a Real Estate open houseAVOID PUBLIC OPEN HOUSES 
Limiting your exposure to large gatherings of people protects you from being in contact with people & surfaces which possibly could be infected.



Topics: house hunting, home search, buying a home

Brett O'Daniell

Written by Brett O'Daniell

Co-Founder of HomeTraq. 18+ years real estate and mortgage experience.

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